In contrast to a Gurmukh who follows the teaching of a Guru and focuses on uniting with Paramatma, a Manmukh is one who acts blindly by following the evils of the mind and others that think likewise. Lost in darkness, Manmukhs wander until they are blessed to meet with a true Guru. The Guru instructs the mistaken soul to love Paramatma, who is endless and infinite with a full heart. After taking the path shown by one’s Guru, doubts are dispelled and egotistical pride that had blurred spiritual vision is overcome.
By doubting others or by feeling superior to others we are disconnecting ourselves from the truth which is we are all equal in the eyes of The Creator, who has created us all. As per Param Sant Ram Singh Ji’s teachings we should not love Paramatma for the sake of being better than others or to seem to be more spiritually inclined than someone else. Rather, our love for Paramatma should have no motive, it should be pure and vested in uniting with Paramatma as Param Sant Ram Singh Ji described Abdul Kadir Gilani Ji’s devotion.