The month of Chet is marked by the onset of Basant, spring. As the weather changes and everything blossoms, we feel a sense of excitement and happiness. However, true and sustained happiness can only be felt as we develop our union with Paramatma. This is achieved through Sat-Sangat in the company of the humble Saints. The Saints guide us, showing us the spiritual path by the way of turning our minds and thoughts towards the glory of Paramatma, the Creator. Paramatma exists in all of creation and those that see the Creator in everything are blessed; their life’s purpose is met.
Instead of spending all of our time focused on accumulating materialistic wealth for our children and future generations, we should also not forget the importance of collecting spiritual wealth for them. Often we make the mistake of measuring the prosperity in our lives by measuring the growth in our materialistic wealth. However, real prosperity is that of the fulfilled mind, which is obtained through embodying the virtues of Paramatma. It was spiritual knowledge and wealth passed down to Bai Shameer through his ancestors that showed him the path to obtaining his desire of Moksh, liberation, from Guru ji.