The rainy season continues in the month of Bhadon and the heat becomes bearable. The lakes and lands overflow with water. Those that are in the constant remembrance of Paramatma find peace and bliss; others become engulfed in moh-maya, attachment to worldly things. Those that get stuck in the world of moh-maya are unable to progress spiritually and are trapped in a world of illusion.
As life comes to an end, family, friends and relatives for whom one has forsaken Paramatma will not be able to offer any aid and will move on. All materialistic things collected including, intelligence and physical strength will not be of any assistance to the departing soul. At the time of death, one’s body writhes in pain and suffering. Those whose love towards Paramatma is true and unfailing don’t suffer; as for them it is not the end, but the moment of ultimate union with the Creator.
In the field of karma, what one sows is what one reaps. The deeds performed in this life shall result in a reward accordingly.
Those that seek refuge with a Guru are protected. A Guru helps one connect with Paramatma. Paramatma is the only everlasting truth. Nothing else is worthwhile achieving.
The reason why Krishna and Balla didn’t have the same glow on their face and excitement in their eyes, as Guru ji’s sanghis, when they did katha was because they did not start with the same desire. Krishna and Balla became spiritual speakers to attract fame and wealth and they achieved this goal. Guru ji’s sanghis had only the love of their guru in their heart and one desire in mind, meeting with Paramatma. As we begin our spiritual path, one’s wishes are fulfilled according to what our objective is.
Whenever we remember Paramatma it should not be solely for attaining worldly desires, but with the intent to connect from within. Vikars are an illness of the mind which must be removed. Only then can we obtain stability in life and enjoy the enlightened state of mind; becoming one with the Creator.