In the month of Katak the weather turns mild and gives peace. Only those that have forgotten Paramatma feel uneasy and discontent. They do not accept that the challenges one faces are because of one’s own karma and instead blame others. Those who do not remember Paramatma are separated from the Creator and are left to cycle through the journey on earth over and over again. The materialistic desires for which we separate ourselves from Paramatma make the mind ill; one can not enjoy happiness as all pleasures feel bitter. There is no one to turn to and no one to assist. By one’s own actions, destiny is preordained. Only by meeting with Paramatma can all pains vanquish. In the month of Katak, with Paramatma’s grace one is blessed with the company of Sadh Sangat from which all anxieties dissipate.
We focus our energy on dwelling on our struggles; why am I going through this, what have I done to deserve this? Why not use our energy to motivate ourselves and tackle our challenges. When the tide is strong it is difficult to fight. Cutting across the tide gives exhaustion and eventually the exertion fails us, but if we accept the tide’s strength and focus on floating with it, it will eventually take us to shore. Similarly, when we accept The Creator’s will and allow ourselves to try to float with the Creator’s will and through our challenges, Paramatma’s grace carries us through. Even the near and dear saints of Paramatma face challenges as Paramatma has made them exemplary. Remembering their struggles helps us to accept our own while remaining true to Paramatma and continuing to do good deeds.