In the month of Poh, the cold does not touch those who are embraced by Paramatma. Their minds are affixed on Paramatma and long only for Paramatma’s blessed darshan, vision. They seek only the protection of the Creator whose service is fruitful. They seek out the company of holy Sadhu Sant and extol the virtues of the all-powerful Creator so that worldly illusions can not take hold and corrupt their minds.
The soul can solvate into the all-pervading Creator, from where it originated, as it is absorbed in its true love. These souls are held in hand by Paramatma and can never suffer separation.
Paramatma’s exuberance is unapproachable and virtues unfathomable, to which we must renounce, and Paramatma will uphold our honor and protect us. Poh will be beautiful, all comforts will be attained with Paramatma’s blessing when we are in Paramatma’s sanctuary.
The poison of illusions does not cause harm and we are able to cross the life journey with ease when we have the company of Guru’s shabad and teachings in our hearts. Just as Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji helped Bhai Mardana cross the river, we too can overcome our challenges if we stay true to our Guru’s direction.
Doubts and uncertainty in our minds do not allow us to be affixed in the sanctuary of Paramatma or to our Guru’s teachings. Instead, we waver to our minds’ illusions and create challenges for ourselves. In the katha of Bhai Gurdas Ji we see how the sangat was taken in fear and uncertainty when they reached the Beas River in cold and darkness. The sangat was ill prepared for the weather and everyone was concerned as they did not know how they would cross the river. At this time Bhai Gurdas Ji reminded the Sangat of Guru Ji’s teachings. When they followed the teachings of Guru Ji and affixed their minds on Paramatma, they were able to conquer their fears and step into the uncertain terrain under Paramatma’s refuge. When they entered the river, it was shallow, and they were able to cross. We must constantly remind ourselves to act on our Guru’s teachings as Paramatma is the only and true savior.