Our focus must be balanced simultaneously on both loving Paramatma and removing our vices, vikars. We connect with Paramatma to gain spiritual strength that allows further self awareness and development. This spiritual strength should be spent on removing our vikars and enhancing our universal virtues not on proving ourselves better and others less.
Our spiritual strength should be like a flower whose color and fragrance has the ability to remove all bad smells and darkness in its presence. Instead of wasting our efforts on bringing other’s weaknesses to light, why not focus on developing our own spiritual strength and sharing it with others without any feelings of ego or jealousy
Raja Parikshat ruled a glorious kingdom and was known for being just, fair and immensely knowledgeable. Despite his love for Paramatma, his kingdom, and his people, eventually he let his anger and perhaps some form of ego become his demise.
Idyllic environments and circumstances in life are a result of Paramatma’s blessings at Paramatma’s chosen time. We must be grateful and guard these blessings with great care, not letting them lay the seed of ego and other vices in our mind. By comparing ourselves and judging others we do not allow ourselves to embrace Paramatma’s grace with the gratitude and humbleness that we should. We should remind ourselves to replace feelings of pride with feelings of immense gratitude. It is only possible for us to carry out our work and efforts due to Paramatma’s will and grace that creates conducive circumstances