By listening to the sermon of our Guru, our inner self is awakened. Even ordinary people can attain spiritual heights through listening. By listening to Guru’s words, one becomes aware that all of creation is supported by Paramatma. Listening frees us from the fear of death. Even evil minds are converted and motivated to emulate Guru’s virtues. We learn knowledge like the Shastras and the Vedas (scriptures). We are purified like the ceremonial baths of all pilgrimages. By listening to our Guru, we achieve the treasure of profound virtues and can attain the status of great spiritual heads. The blind find the way and the ignorant become aware by following Guru’s path. The once terrifying world ocean seems able to be sailed across.
A Guru gives us the knowledge and understanding of how to follow Paramatma’s divine command. Through the Guru’s guidance we are able to implement and practice what we hear. The Guru’s message helps us do away with Vikars of the mind. All our suffering, pain and sins are washed away, and we enjoy a constant state of bliss. Nothing can impede the path of devotees with such faith. Not only are the faithful liberated from the cycle of birth and death, but they are also able to show their families the same path and free them from this cycle as well.
“Sathguru Nanak pargateya miti dund jag chanan hoya”
With the emergence of Guru Nanak, the mist cleared and the whole world was illuminated.
When we do Sat Sangat, engage in “Sat da Sang” by listening to the praise of the Creator, we gain knowledge that helps us rid our Vikars and strengthen our faith. Complete devotion to our Guru’s teachings can help us connect to Paramatma. The Guru’s teachings are illumination for our soul that help clear the mist of confusion, worry, desires and ignorance within us.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji taught Bhai Moola what was true and false in the world. However, he could not understand how-to live-in service to Paramatma while fulfilling worldly responsibilities and not get stuck in Moh, attachment. Being Karma Yogi, means to continue to do Karam, fulfill duties, while also keeping yog, remembrance of Paramatma. When we can balance these two, Vikars disguised as snakes are not able to poison us.