The soul is referred to as bride and Parmatma referred to as husband. The soul (bride) focuses on union with the Creator (husband). Unity with Parmatma makes one glorified. Those who are in the company of Saints and Sat Sangis are able to connect with Parmatma and their mind and body is always in a blooming state. Those souls who remain distant and are not blessed with Saadh Sangat are left alone. The sufferings that these souls endure are endless. Those that surrender completely to Parmatma and embed the virtues of the Creator in their heart like jewels embedded in a necklace, are relieved from the cycle of birth and death.
The mind is like a rubab or sitar (bowed/stringed instrument). If the strings of the rubab/sitar are too loose it results in no sound and if the strings are too tight there is danger of breaking the strings. Just like this musical instrument our mind is of the same state. Satsang, Simran and Seva need to be done with discipline. When we let the strings of our mind too loose, they are unable to play the tune of Parmatma. Similarly, we can not have them too tight where they are unable to create a balance between spiritual and worldly responsibilities and break our connect with the Creator. We must be balanced, disciplined, and remain in the company of Parmatma by having our mind always connected to the creator while fulfilling our roles and responsibilities on earth.